COVID Evaluation of Risk in Emergency Departments (COVERED) Project

Finding ways to reduce the risk of COVID-19 acquisition by emergency health care providers is one of the highest priorities in response to this pandemic—that’s how we will maintain a healthy and confident workforce to care for the patients who need us.
- Nicholas M. Mohr, MD, MS and David A. Talan, MD

COVID Evaluation of Risk in Emergency Departments (COVERED) Project

The COVID-19 Evaluation of Risk in Emergency Departments (COVERED) Project will measure the risk of COVID-19 acquisition by front-line emergency department personnel in 20 academic US medical centers and identify ways to reduce that risk. This project was developed as a collaboration between EMERGEncy IDNet, a CDC-collaborative emergency department-based emerging infectious disease sentinel network, and the National Emergency Airway Registry (NEAR), the largest prospective emergency department-based airway network.

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image of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Project COVERED is supported by cooperative agreement U01CK000480 through the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention as supplemental funding to EMERGEncy IDNet. These contents are solely the responsibility of project staff and do not necessarily represent the views of the funding sources or the United States Government.